the highest building in town

Am I happy to be setting off on a cosmic flight? Of course. In all ages and epochs people have experienced the greatest happiness in embarking upon new voyages of discovery...I say 'until we meet again' to you , dear friends, as we always say to each other when setting off on a long journey. How I should like to embrace you all — my friends and those with whomIam not acquainted, strangers and the people nearest and dearest to me!

- Y. Gagarin

The silence here is deafening

The people there all left and nature is blooming. There are beautiful woods and lakes...I admire those people, because each of them is a philosopher in their own way. When you ask if they are afraid, they say that they would rather die at home from radiation, than die in an unfamiliar place of home-sickness. It appears that the people with the most courage were the first to die here. Maybe that is true everywhere.

- ghost town